2019年由欧洲的泰国桑卡联合会(Union Of Thai Sangkha)主办的世界和平奖,在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩市政厅举行,共有120多个国家及地区的代表申请,主办单位经过严格遴选,最终7位在宗教及慈善活动各领域贡献巨大的人士,获颁奖项。华琪集团执行主席张秋源凭着长期不间断的推动慈善宗教活动,提倡互相尊重的理念,荣获“世界和平奖”奖项,成为马来西亚首位获得这项殊荣的企业家。


  尊敬的大会主席、尊敬的各位嘉宾:大家好!我现在的心情十分激动,同时也万分感恩!我内心激动,是因为今 天有机会来到瑞典首都,站在非常庄严的“斯德哥尔摩市政厅”,在 大家见证下接收“世界和平奖”。因此,我要特别感谢在各方面给我 帮助的贵人,让我有这个难得的机会,就像许多来自世界各地的诺 贝尔得奖人,都在这个“蓝色大堂”里,接收尊贵的“和平奖”。我万分感恩,因为主办当局给我颁发至高荣誉的“世界和平奖”,是 在肯定我过去这些年的付出,在人道主义和社会工作方面的努力。 所以,我非常感谢主办单位,特别是评审团对我的重视和尊重。事实上,“互相尊重”正是我们做人的崇高价值。由于每个生命都有 所不同,所以我们必须“互相尊重你我的不一样”。然后,我们要“互 相分享不一样的你我”,那才能够“互相关怀共享世界和平”。因此,我今天的得奖感言,就是要强调生命之间的“互相尊重、分享与关怀”,这些都是我们从事社会工作的一种人道主义精神。但要 付诸行动。

  我觉得有三个层次:第一是“明白”,就是先在内心弄明 白这道理。不过,“明白”只是停留在内心,那还不够,所以就需要 有所行动,到了第二层次去搞“清楚”,这样才能把道理了解透彻, 而采取行动便是走出内心世界。第三层次是行动过程中保持“清醒”,因为我们虽然“清楚”方向目标, 但在行动中免不了面对各种挑战,包括一些意想不到、突然而来的 情况。所以,我们要临危不乱,要每时每刻保持头脑“清醒”,要冷静的应变才会在最后到达目标,把人道主义的社会工作做得最好。尊重的嘉宾:我今天就以“明白、清楚和清醒”三个层次来总结得奖 感言。因为我是清醒的认识到:在荣获“世界和平奖”之后,我的生 命将会迎来更多更广泛的挑战,而我将一如既往的保持清醒继续努 力工作,让余生添加更多色彩。谢谢!


  Dear Honorable Mr. President and distinguish guests: Hello everybody!

  I am very excited now, and I am extremely grateful! I am excited because I have the opportunity to come to the Swedish capital today, and stand inside the very solemn "Stockholm City Hall", to receive the "World Peace Award" with your witness. Therefore, I am especially thankful to those who have ever helped me in any aspect, thus giving me this golden opportunity, as similar to many other Nobel Prize Winners from all over the world, that to be here in this Blue Hall, to receive the honorable "World Peace Award”.

  I am extremely grateful, because the Organizer awarded me with this top honor  "World Peace Award", which is affirming my efforts in humanitarian and social works over the past years. Therefore, I am very thankful to the Organizer, especially the Panel of Jury for paying attention to me and respecting my efforts.

  In fact, "mutual respect" is the lofty value of human beings. Due to every single life is different, so we must "respect each others’ differentiation between you and me." Then, we have to "share with each other within you and me", and with that we are able to have “mutual caring to enjoy the world peace together" .

  Therefore, my testimonial today is to emphasize "mutual respect, sharing and careness” among lifes, and all these are part of the humanitarian spirit within our social works. But for implementation, I think there are 3 levels: first is to "understand", that is to know the reason in the inner heart. However, "understanding" is just staying in the heart, that’s not enough, so we need to act and to reach the second level to make it "clear", then only we could understand thoroughly, and taking action to get out of the inner world.

  The third level is to be “sober” in the course of action, because although we are  “clear” on the direction and objective, we are sure to face various challenges when we act, including some unexpected and all of a sudden situation. Therefore, we must not panic, to keep our minds “sober” at all time, and need to be calm for changes, only then we are able to reach the final goal, and handle the humanitarian social works nicely.

  Dear honorable guests: so with these 3 levels of “understanding, to be clear, and sober”, I come to the conclusion of my speech today. Because I am soberly aware that after I am honored with the "World Peace Award", my life would be facing more challenges ahead, and I shall continue to be awake and work hard, as to add more color to the rest of my life.

  Thank you!